Friday, 30 January 2009
Back on an even keel..
Work has improved, or rather it has picked up and I should take home a decent pay check this month. I'm working all weekend for an extra £60 which is a pittance, but actually will do a week's shopping, so it's a lot to me.
My husband has gone abroad for a week (YES!!!) so I can slob out, eat junk, watch crap TV, go to bed early, wear my pyjamas all day, gossip to girls all day and generally rebel! Thank God, it feels like I'm on holiday! Actually I miss him now, but I always like these times apart and I know he does too.
The tantrums are still there but not so bad and easier to manage (or just ignore). We have had two uninterrupted night's sleep in succession which is a gift considering the week we have just had with 1. My daughter having a 24 hr tummy bug, cough and ear infection, 2. me getting aforementioned bug and a urinary infection and 3. My husband getting the bug (which naturally hit him hardest of all, poor chap).
So all in all, I'm glad the month is over. May February prove a short, sweet and easy month in comparison. Thank you to God and the good fairies of the world for looking after me and my baby. Let's have a few weeks off from stress now please.
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Ten things I hate about men

I know, I know - only ten? you're asking.. Well I thought I'd try and keep this post short-ish. It's got the potential to be a monster hasn't it..
So I've been having a bit of a time of it lately (see last post) plus I've been working too hard, taking on too much in light of January being a notoriously long and lean month. My daughter has entered the age of TERRIBLE 2s with a bang. I thought I was doing alright on the tantrums front until about 10 days ago. Now they are well known, put in an appearance two or three times a day, and are hailed like an arch enemy of old. VILE. I woke up on Monday morning and the first thing she said was, 'I love Daddy. I not love Mummy'. CRACK... my heart broke. Yet I have to get up, make her breakfast, get her dressed and do lovely stuff with her. Another aspect they don't tell you about being a mother - lose your entire sense of self completely!
Through all this the one thing I could have done with was some support from my darling husband. Some sympathy. A kind word. Some loving. Fat Chance. So here is my list of ten things (it's taken me a week to whittle it down from about 150).
* They return the car on a Sunday night with no fuel in it. Thanks mate.
* They take your child's side of the argument over yours.
* They are lazy.
* They have no idea that motherhood is a JOB.
* They are selfish.
* Their problems are the biggest of everyone's in the whole entire world.
* They undermine you to look good in your child's eyes. (I could have punched him)
* When you feel like shit, they suddenly feel like shit - but worse than you.
* They are inconsistent.
* They have no foresight.
Those are the cream for this week then. I might make this a weekly post... what ten things are pissing me off most this week... hmmm...
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Rough with the smooth
I found out this week that my unborn baby might have something wrong with it. Results of screening have put me (or rather my 18 week old unborn baby) at a high risk. It's something I had NEVER thought would happen. Not to me. I'm young (ish), fairly fit and healthy.. I thought I'd be fine. Guess you never know do you. I'm hoping everything will be ok but you have to prepare for the worst don't you. No good pretending everything will be fine if it won't. I've been in hospital and have had some tests done and have to wait now to find out what the results are... which will determine the fate of my little wriggler. God I hope everything will be ok - the odds are stacked in my favour but you can't help feeling that you might be that one statistic.. that 'one' out of however many. What a funny hand life deals you. My last pregnancy was unplanned, unwanted to begin with and extremely stressful. And it was the easiest pregnancy I could have wished for. This one was planned, wanted to badly and has been such a happy time for me up until now. I feel like I have to put my emotions and feelings for the baby on hold until I know if everything will be ok. It's a very surreal time. Motherhood is peppered with highs and lows, new feelings and experiences every day; I really had no idea. I always feel faced with something and this latest bomb is another emotion, another stage to get through, another experience in the scrap book of life. Never what you expect. But I'm a believer in fate and hope that my philosophy will get me through this time. Be grateful for what I have and try to focus on the good things. Hold that thought.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
The realities of motherhood, pregnancy and yummy mummies

Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Silver linings, positivity and good things
- My husband and I got through some tough (really majorly tough) times and we are now expecting a second baby
- I got a job - a good one that pays well (although I have the jitters about it and wonder how long it'll be before it goes tits up)
- I learnt the value of money - credit crunch, recession, whatever you want to call it - my lifestyle had to change and I'm embracing it (but not too closely... bring back the days of designer shoes please someone!)
There were other celebrations too - like my brothers wedding. And sad times too, when my uncle died. But on the whole, now I think back, it wasn't so terrible.
So what's in store this year 2009? What are you gonna throw at me? Give me your best shot - I can take it. I'm prepared, willing and feeling invincible! Joking apart, I'm excited about this year. Firstly we're having a classic winter - cold and frosty - so I've got high hopes for a decent summer. I really want (need) a good summer because I'll have a tiny baby and I want to be able to sit in parks and laze under trees in the warm summer afternoons. I've always wanted to do that. I must have seen it in a film once upon a time.
Also I want to earn some good money before the summer - get my teeth stuck into my work and have the money to show for it. My daughter started pre school yesterday - let me tell you it was almost as emotional as giving birth. Seeing her tiny body in its branded school sweat shirt going into the little room and sitting on the floor with the other children broke my heart. If only I could have stayed and watched, but I knew I had to leave her and let her get on with it. What I would have done to be a fly on the wall. However, coming home for 2.5 hours uninterrupted work, housework, phonecalls etc was blissful. I can't deny it. I got soooo much done! She starts ballet next week (I'll be in therapy after that too..) so I will have Monday through Wednesday mornings to myself. I can scarce believe it. I won't know what to do with myself. But it makes me realise how all my aims for 2009 are linked - if I work hard and earn money, I can have my hair done (or go to beautician, or out for coffee, or shopping) on my own without putting on someone to look after my little girl. I'll feel good about myself. I'll feel as though I've made it. I want to use the wifi (we call it weefee in the country!) in the local deli and look important and savvy and sophisticated.
I want us to go on holiday - our first proper family holiday - before the baby comes in June. Just a week in Majorca or somewhere, cheap flights, warm seas and beaches, tapas.... mmmm... the feel of the sand on my feet.
And I'm going to be more positive - more positive about my marriage, my husband and our short comings. We're still here. Still together. Still got a spark even though it can be a bit explosive at times. We have our health. Enough money. A darling daughter. An unborn baby. A house. Food on the table. A future. Bring it on.