I've just read an astonishing article - well I found it astonishing. I think most every day mothers would feel the same. Admittedly the article was in The Times, which probably appeals to a higher form of human being to me, but even if it had been in the News of the World I would still have been open-mouthed.
Apparently mothers now have the option to employ a PA to do the jobs they can't fit into their busy lives. From Christmas shopping, to organising childrens' parties, these PAs can seemingly do anything, and work any hours you instruct them. Well wouldn't that be lovely, if you can afford one! How many mothers in this day and age, particularly with the credit cruch, can afford to pay for this 'extra pair of hands'? Not me. I am my husband's PA, my daughter's PA, my own PA for that matter, and still I have to find time for my own work and ordinary day to day housewifing and mothering duties. You have to be organised and find the time - even if that means staying up til' Midnight (and looking rough in the mornings). I can only imagine that these mothers who can afford a PA are out enjoying champagne lunches while the tasks they consider too mundane are undertaken by a perfect stranger. Or am I a cynic? Tell me if you think so.
Do they consider themselves above the normal, run of the mill parenting duties? Or are they so disorganised, or over-achieving that they simply need the added help? Either way it proves that there is far too much pressure on mothers to look gorgeous, have gorgeous, well behaved children, hold down a job, look after a household, have a perfect marriage, and fit in time for a social life too.
Hello, Ohio!
6 days ago
They're probably the same mum's who are requesting C Sections 8 weeks before term to avoid 3rd trimester body stresses and weight gain, and the same mothers who hire wet nurses, and return to work 6 hours after their babies ar born.
I even read about one mother, who was so concerned about being woken by her newborn, that she had the nursery soundproofed, so that only the nanny would be woken by the baby's demanding cries (presumably by baby monitor, since clearly the room was sound proofed)!
good god! why have children?
I bet there's a big market for mama PAs on this side of the pond. Yep, plenty of super rich mothers in this neck of the woods, I can tell you. Many of them are either wedded to their high flying careers (couldn't give up their egos for the kids) or too high maintenance to get down and dirty with the day to day grind of being a mum. I wouldn't mind a PA or two around the house myself ;)
i'd be too embarrassed to have someone else do my dirty work or bring up my child.... how the other half live eh?
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