Monday, 7 September 2009

Where oh where did my bloggy blog go?

Where the hell have I been? What a year - is it really already September... isn't that the run down to Christmas?? sorry... forbidden word isn't it. I've decided that I must start becoming a regular blogger again. I started this blog up for a good reason and I want to keep that in mind.

This year has been completely manic since I last blogged... in the snow back in February. Since then a few things have happened in my life. I have become an independent Phoenix Cards trader - my latest business venture and something I plan to expand when my circumstances allow for it. It's been great fun so far and has kept me in pocket money, and I really enjoy doing it. Please do contact me if you are interested to find out more - it's a brilliant business opportunity for mothers, and is something entirely flexible that you can do around your family commitments.

I took maternity leave in April and had my tiny baby girl in July - she weighed just 6lbs 1oz! A tiny scrap of a thing but she is gorgeous and a complete treat. She sleeps through the night (don't hate me!) already and rarely cries. I/we are very blessed to have such a good baby.

The summer here has been rubbish yet again - and pretty testing with a 3 year old and a newborn but we seem to have come through it relatively unscathed. It's the first day of the autumn term today and guess what... my 3 year old threw up this morning and so can't go! I've been living for this day and now I have an poorly girl at home on the sofa! I don't want to sound mean but sod's law or what??!

We are hoping to go to west Wales later this week for a much needed family holiday. The weather looks promising so keeping fingers crossed. Am looking forward to more blogging and catching up with your news on your blogs too. Bye for now x

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