Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Work, Wales, Weightwatchers...

All the Ws this week....

We've been away for a lovely long weekend to Wales - the Pembrokeshire coast to be precise. I confess I have fallen head over heels for all things Welsh. The deep and soothing accent of the very Welsh. The stunning scenery, sunsets and beaches. And Welsh cakes... yummy... although I couldn't eat too many - I'm on weightwatchers you see. I've got to lose my baby weight - it's hideous. And I thought I hadn't put on that much this time around. I've dropped half a stone and still have a stone and a half to lose. I'm hoping to be back to my pre pregnancy weight by christmas.

I'm still working pretty hard which is quite tiring with breastfeeding, running a toddler to pre school, ballet, music, toddler groups etc. I'm hoping that I won't return to my previous jobs after maternity leave so I'm trying to think of ways to expand my greetings card business. I'm meeting up with my sponsor next week to see how I can do this.

For once my marriage seems to be on track - thank goodness! We'll see how long that lasts!

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